En pratique

  • Cette unité d'enseignement (UE) articule 2 activités d'apprentissage :
    • Theoretics
    • Case challenge
  • En 2023-2024, elle s'organise au premier quadrimestre et couvre 3 crédits (ECTS).
  • L'enseignement est principalement centralisé dans le campus : Campus Guillemins
  • Cette UE est remédiable d'une session à l'autre
  • Modalités d'enseignement
    • Auditoire
    • Groupe classe
    • Sous-groupe

Activité d’apprentissage

Les finalités de l'UE

Provide students with the essential philosophies, practices, and applications of digital marketing.

Les contenus de l'UE

Practical Workshop sessions (blending theory and practice):

  • Introduction to digital marketing
    • Explore the essentials of digital marketing through interactive discussions.
  • Creating personas and mapping customer journeys
    • Collaborate on persona creation and customer journey mapping for real-world brands.
  • Exploring owned, paid, and earned media
    • Dive into crafting fictional email marketing campaigns while discussing key concepts.
  • SEO basics and crafting effective content strategy
    • Develop a one-week editorial content plan while delving into SEO fundamentals.
  • Google advertising 
    • Set up a Google Ads campaign and explore strategies through hands-on workshops.
  • Hands-On social media and Meta Business Suite
    • Get practical experience in setting up a Meta Business Suite advertising campaign and explore effective social media tactics.
  • Measuring performance and key metrics
    • Dive into the world of data analysis with a practical session on utilizing Google Analytics for insights.
  • Harnessing AI for marketing success
    • Explore the potential of AI in marketing by crafting scenarios for AI-based tools.
  • Implementing your digital strategy
    • Collaboratively design comprehensive digital strategies for fictitious scenarios.
  • Discovering what is a good User Experience
    • Engage in a workshop focused on enhancing User Experience (UX) through a holistic approach.

Les acquis d'apprentissage visés par l'UE

Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Develop a comprehensive digital marketing optimization strategy that aligns with a marketing strategy.
  2. Articulate the value of integrated marketing campaigns across natural and paid search, social media, email, and other digital platforms.
  3. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to any digital marketing strategy and evaluate campaign results.
  4. Supervise and guide digital marketing experts, providing recommendations to create an attractive website that drives traffic and converts effectively.

Les méthodes d'enseignement-apprentissage

In this course, we adopt a workshop-driven approach that combines theoretical discussions with practical hands-on sessions. These workshops provide an interactive learning experience, and we'll also be joined by external experts for specific topics to enrich your understanding of digital marketing.

Engagement attendu de la part de l'étudiant.e

Active engagement is considered central to success in this course, and the following key behaviors are valued:

  • Participation: Class discussions, workshops, and group activities are expected to be actively participated in by the student. Contributions from the student enrich the dynamic learning environment.
  • Collaboration: Effective collaboration with peers during group tasks is encouraged. Learning from one another fosters a cooperative atmosphere.
  • Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is expected to be applied by the student when analyzing real-world digital marketing scenarios and solving problems collaboratively.
  • Inquisitiveness: The student is encouraged to embrace curiosity by asking questions and seeking clarification on digital marketing topics.
  • Proactive Learning: The student should take the initiative to explore additional resources, industry trends, and emerging technologies in digital marketing.
  • Professionalism: Interactions, including those with external experts, should be conducted with professionalism and respect. The student's conduct reflects positively on both themselves and their fellow students.

Written assignment at the end of the session, which will consist of a group-produced section and an individual section, chosen by the student.

Cette épreuve présente des modalités spécifiques à la seconde session. Elle est organisée durant la session. Il s'agit d'un travail. Cette épreuve est individuelle et en équipe. Concrètement, l'épreuve repose sur une formulation écrite, une réalisation par mise en pratique. L'épreuve repose sur des réponses longues. Elle se déroule à cours ouvert, avec des documents autorisés. La correction de cette épreuve est assurée par validation d'un.e enseignant.e.

Règles de l’UE

Quels sont les supports et matériels de cours indispensables ?

Supports et matériels de cours

  • Classroom cases or presentations by main teacher + guest speakers
  • Course materials available for download each week (HELMo Learn + Microsoft Teams)
  • Whitepapers on various topics related to digital marketing (HELMo Learn + Microsoft Teams)
  • Free online academies

Comment la note globale de l’UE est-elle déterminée ?

Explication de la pondération des différentes épreuves

  • First session : written assignment (instructions available on HELMo Learn) : 100%
  • Second session : written assignment (instructions available on HELMo Learn) : 100%

The January assessment will be based on a written assignment, involving a case study analysis where students will assume the role of digital experts. They will enhance the strategies of selected companies based on a fictional briefing.

The assignment consists of two parts:

  1. A group-produced section that includes a company's analysis together with a reflective component on the learning process and knowledge deepening during the course sessions.

  2. An individual section chosen by the student, where they draw on two topics presented in class by the main instructor or an expert. The student will leverage their acquired knowledge on these topics for the case analysis and provide a justification for their choice.

Quelles sont les informations administratives de cette UE ?

  • UE prérequises

  • UE corequises

  • Langue d'enseignement

  • Responsable de cette UE

    HAINE Carole
  • Jury de délibération

  • Identification

    • Code : C1-B3-Q1-UE3
    • Cycle : 1er cycle
    • Unité obligatoire : oui
    • Niveau CEC : 6
    • 44 heures
  • Cursus

  • Enseignants prenant part à cette UE
